Timelines and CGI

Timelines and CGI

What kind of timeline can you expect with a CGI project?

One of the most frequently asked questions we get when discussing new projects is “How long is this going to take?” And like most things with CGI our answer is “it depends.” While that is a wildly unhelpful answer there are many factors that go into a project that need to be taken into account.

We tell clients that most projects will fall between 4-6 weeks. This of course can change depending on the scale of a project but generally speaking 4-6 weeks is enough time for planning, design, proofing, and a round of changes to a hand full of images. 

Of course in an ideal world the 4-6 weeks are not directly butting up to your internal launch deadlines, it’s always best to build in a bit of extra time but we are well aware that just isn’t how things work sometimes. Ultimately there will be extra changes or obstacles that need to be accounted for. Your deadline is incredibly important to us and we will do everything in our power to make it happen, but having a little extra buffer never hurt anyone!

A few other things that help us streamline a project is in the pre-production phase. Things like having your CAD files, product information, design boards (if you want to provide them), and shot list ready to go and approved internally. That is enough to get us started on a scene, but we can also talk through things like modeling and design services if that is something you need.

We have touched on things like our process, pre-production, and quick turnaround projects in previous newsletters which explain many of the same things we have listed above. But the easiest way by far to figure out a timeline for your project is to call us. We can give you a pretty good idea of what timeframe we can expect and what we can do to help you meet your deadlines and enjoy creating images!